Friday, June 12, 2009


The battery in the clock in the downstairs bathroom is failing. The clock hasn't stopped; it's just always wrong. Now that it has bothered me enough to write a blog post about it, I THINK I'll remember to go replace it once I get up.

But in general, that's the kind of thing that disrupts my flow in a small way, in an almost unconscious itching that doesn't get scratched. I do an internal eye-roll, realizing that I'm not getting an answer from that source, but it's not a huge deal. Not a "drop everything and go immediately, probably less than fully dressed and possibly even still dripping from a shower to go get a battery" huge deal. And of course, in the process of drying off, dressing, and meeting the commitments that caused me to check the time in the first place, I forget all about the battery.

Until the next time. Eventually, the repetition is enough to force a change. But until then, and factoring in the MANY other niggling annoyances that are likely surrounding me, the itching, the unconscious sense of being out of control escalates. Eventually, although I am going to forget about it AGAIN, the itch becomes almost violent in that instant of realization.

This particular example has been niggling for at least a week. There are other examples: out of aspirin. Out of bandaids. No tissues in the car. Seriously. You only NEED it when you need it, and you're not exactly standing by the shopping list on the refrigerator, or next to the package of batteries, when you are made aware of the need for action.

How about a cracked dust pan? A slow drip in a little-used sink?

Vastly annoying but only at a less than totally conscious level, and only every now and then. Not like the hangnail, which is vastly annoying pretty much constantly, even if not consciously. Not like the phone ringer that is too loud and pretty much hits you VERY consciously, even if not constantly. Those things, you deal with.

Does this happen to you? I'm guessing these things don't disrupt Einstein's Relative's life for long. I'm guessing she has a system for dealing with life's petty but powerful annoyances. Madame Librarian? How about you? Do you two walk around with a notepad all the time or something?

1 comment:

cb said...

So... did you write the retreat on the calendar yet? It involves turning four pages...and if you do it now, you won't have to do it later!

As for your post...I do try to do those niggly things as soon as I notice them, otherwise it bothers me. I'm not perfect at it by any means, and getting my car serviced (oil changes mostly) are the worst for me to take action and do when necessary. I do have to say I am never out of light bulbs, bathroom tissue, facial tissue, carmex, hair products, or cat food. As for the battery thing-- I have batteries upstairs and down so they are usually right there. :-)

Now watch--in the next few days something glaringly obvious will make itself known and I'll have to say "Okay, so I'm NOT so good at it".