Friday, June 12, 2009

Sign a petition

It was a year ago that then 5-year-old Alex Barton was voted out of his Florida kindergarten class by his classmates, as directed to by their teacher, Wendy Portillo. Portillo first had the students say what they did not like about Alex after which they voted "Survivor-style" about whether he could stay in the classroom. Alex was "voted out": The incident sparked national, and international, attention and Portillo was suspended for a year without pay and lost her tenure. Earlier this year, Portillo appealed the ruling, which was upheld. However, as reported in the June 10th, the St. Lucie County School Board has voted unanimously to allow Portillo to "keep her professional contract with the county school district and the tenure protection it affords."

I signed a virtual petition today. You can too.

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