Saturday, March 22, 2008


It has been hard to post lately because of the springtime confluence of commitments, so time for... CATCH UP BULLETS.
  • We had an intense fund raiser for Andy's Japan group: Butter Braids, delivered to you in time for Easter.
  • Our family sold about 90.
  • That's a mistake if you don't have your own walk-in freezer.
  • ...which we do not.
  • However, 48 hours later, they are all delivered- in time for Easter.
  • The four borrowed coolers are NOT returned.
  • We are in a stage right now in which we really can't look away from the adolescent for long. Children FOR SURE need you more than ever at this age- and the stakes are pretty high.
  • Without going into a LOT of detail, let's just say that we've consulted a bunch of people lately, and paid some of them.
  • He's not in THAT kind of trouble. Just the identity crisis kind of trouble.
  • Um, did I mention that we spent last weekend at an ANIME CONVENTION?
  • Because we did, and it's a lot like a Star Trek convention, except that all of the whack-jobs are screaming adolescents.
  • Yea, and speaking of identity crisis? Because these screaming adolescents think that they are animated pseudo-asian cartoon characters with tails. Not kidding.
  • Um, and I purposely didn't call them teenagers. Because yes, someone can be an adolescent at say age 25. Or 30.
  • No, it wasn't super fun.
  • However, the organizers did donate $500 to Andy's youth group.
  • My teammate and I "donated" a tea party for our school's raffle. We let the little girl invite three of her friends.
  • We had tea, juice, cream puffs, cucumber sandwiches, nuts, candies, cookies and sesame bread sticks.
  • I went to a thrift store and bought some of those old-fashioned glass snack sets that ladies' groups and churches used to use. They're oval-shaped glass plates with little inset rims for their matching glass tea cups. VERY nostalgic.
  • Do you have any candy? Because I don't have any here. And I have to eat some, like, every 20 minutes or so.


cb said...

I have chocolate. And I also eat it every 20 mins or so. But thank goodness I have no Butter Braids. Those things taste oh so yummy, but I've never bought any!

Angela said...

Yikes! Chocolate. You definitely need lots of chocolate. Hopefully you have found/purchased/pilfered some by now.

Is all well with your son?

X's and O's