Friday, March 11, 2011

On Self-Discipline

  • I can't think of anything.
  • Ha.  Just kidding. 
  • There have been a few accomplishments in my life which appear to have been achieved by sheer determination.  I lost a lot of weight once. 
  • I made it through the teaching certification program. 
  • Getting the children required patience.  A lot of paperwork, and a lot of suffering of fools.  It did not require self-discipline except to the extent that I had to curtail the sarcastic remarks.
  • Washing my daughter's hair night after night appears to be a task which is calling for simple gritting of teeth. 
  • So the thing is, I really HAVE to take a few bad habits out of my life.
  • Caffeine.  So far, so good.  One cup in the morning, period.  I am trying to switch out to decaf, and from there maybe just nothing?
  • Exercise.  My knees are painfully problematic right now, so I have that as another excuse in my elaborate list of excuses, but this is becoming a non-negotiable. 
  • Natural light. Faithful readers know this is big for me.
  • Consistent sleep habits.  This may make faithful readers scoff, as you know that I am a 10-12 hour per night sleeper.  The truth is, though, that has not been the case for over a year, and I succomb day after day to heavy, drugged-like, hours-long naps.  It's actually distressing.
  • My mother, (known for decades now as Muth, short for Muth-head, which should be spelled mOth, except that spells "moth" and that's not how it is pronounced) has more self-discipline than anyone I know. At 75, she walks with a friend about 10 miles or so per week, plus has a strength training program that she completes at home.
  •  I asked her to help me, knowing that she would take it seriously, and she has already begun.
  • She has sent me a brief article, with a simple exercise program, and she accompanied this missive with a phone call.  I admire her very much for her commitment to me. 
  • But she can't do it for me.

1 comment:

Lee Anne said...

Hello Laurie :-) I am searching for OT exercises to help my 19 month old grandson with Dandy Walker Variant... He struggles with balance and coordination. Do you have any suggestions for a resource in which I may find some ideas. Thanks so much!

P.S. Your blog is a wonderfully peaceful place to visit. Thanks for taking the time to sit and update :-)