Saturday, March 19, 2011

I have never

  • been to the U.K. or France or Spain or Australia.. ..but I HAVE been to Mexico and Canada and even to Greece and to Japan
  • been hang-gliding or scuba diving or bungee jumping... but I HAVE been hanging off the face of a cliff and sliding down a glacier with an ice axe
  • read poetry at a tea house or sung karaoke at some bar... can-canned onstage, and cried and intoned and danced in I-Dream-of-Jeanie costumes
  • had my writing published or my music recorded... had my art hung in a gallery, and had my voice heard when it mattered
  • lived in a hovel or a castle or a biosphere... lived for timeless hours in magic places away from the rest of the world
The thing is, sometimes it's easy to forget what you have when you think you should have it all.

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