Monday, June 22, 2009

Adrian Kenneth Waalkes


My father-in-law's military funeral, June 19, 2009, in Grand Junction, Colorado.

Active military Honor Guard entering with remains and flag. Patriot Guard Riders and Veterans honor guard at attention.

Folding the flag. I think they played "Taps" right after this.

Presenting the flag. This woman is a Lieutenant Colonel, the same rank as Ken.

The Grand Valley Combined Honor Guard

From The Grand Junction Sentinel:

The Honor Guard has provided military services at families’ requests for six years. The honors include a spoken tribute to the veteran, folding of the flag, playing of “Taps” and a gun salute.

The members are volunteers ranging in age from late-30s to 80s. They purchase their uniforms at their own expense. There are currently 47 members and the group is commanded by Bob Henderson.

“They show up at any time, no matter if it’s raining or snowing or hot... They provide a lot of honor and respect for our veterans.”

Patriot Guard Riders. Here is a link to their website, where veterans from all over the country post tributes to the deceased.


Angela said...

What a beautiful tribute.
Thinking of you here.


Cathy said...

beautiful tribute--I'm sorry to hear for your loss