Monday, May 4, 2009

You know what's funny?

I thought that letter of recommendation was absolutely hilarious. I read it over and over, literally laughing out loud. THAT's funny.

But you know what else is kind of funny? My husband didn't even SMILE when he read it. And my teammates didn't laugh as much as I did either. One of them did comment "Oh, that's Laurie. That's Laurie, for sure."

I guess they don't find my weaknesses very funny. Huh. Make you glad you don't have to work with me, huh?


Cyndi said...

I thought is was very funny also and so you, hence the name Funny Laurie.

Angela said...

You had me laughing with your "healty" self-awareness. (I meant healthy of course--when will Blogger include comment spell check??? I'm lost without it.) Some people's funny bones have different locations. And some people were born without one altogether. Ah well.


cb said...

Loved the recommendation-- she knows you well!

Are you applying for a different job someplace?