Saturday, May 9, 2009

A couple of things

I am not looking for a job. I wrote that post, to be honest, as a release of pent-up sarcasm. As you know, nothing fascinates me more than myself. However, in education, this is definitely the season for writing letters of recommendation, and I've crafted a couple in the last week or so. Willingly, and sincerely. It's true that sometimes one does have to select the words very carefully.

Today I am going to a new art group, with higher stakes. I don't have any project in the works. I am trying to think of something worth spending my time on, that I am excited about. Isn't that silly? I struggle, struggle, struggle to be anything other than a promising student.

I really enjoy my streaming music site, Jango, and have been reintroduced to a preadolescent passion for the artist previously known as Cat Stevens. Should you ever wish to know my ideal of an insanely delicious male (which, why wouldn't you?) those early pictures of him with black curly hair and soft, lush lips, inscrutable dark eyes... the only thing missing is a more robust physique. (Shoulders, people. Biceps. Wrists, even. Just sayin'.) He did look a little undernourished in a couple of them. And don't bother trying to keep track of his biography. It's tough going. However, I understand he has recently (yesterday?) released a new album! What the...?

I suspect that I might have started the crush before seeing him. I loved those heady, tea-house visiting, incense-burning experiments, and his music was absolutely the sound track for those few years. The lyrics, so introspective. The slightly gravelly voice. A sort of wistful tone, even to the upbeat songs. So naturally, when he turned out to look like some kind of gypsy, the last piece of the prototype snapped into place. Large, dark, sensitive, an artist, but ultimately a little unreachable, in a masculine way.

Don't even ASK. My life's partner turned out to require very few compromises, but nevertheless, no one would ever mistake him for a gypsy.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Ah, those were the days...

"I am trying to think of something worth spending my time one, that I'm excited about." Exactly

Have a great weekend!
