Thursday, April 9, 2009

Studio Space

Just saw a listing for a part-time office available one day a week for $90 a month. It's literally two blocks from home. I have often thought that I would like to have a studio. But this step would ramp up my art to a level that would require me to start selling it. Otherwise I just don't see how I could justify the indulgence. Still, my stuff is all over the place at home, and the only real dedicated space is in the DARK basement. It's just not productive.

I'm 5 hours from home, having taken 3 days off work for an emergency trip to the in-laws. My poor father-in-law. It's gotten to the point where I wonder if he's afraid to die. The man has cheated death 2-3 times a year for the last 5 years- and has had several serious system failures beofre that, including a quadruple bypass surgery 17 years ago, and an immune disorder that required help from the Mayo Clinic and National Jewish hospital about 10 years ago. I honestly don't know how many false alarms we've had. The latest is that he has changed his DNR orders and WILL accept both a ventilator and a feeding tube. Docs say that he certainly would not survive if taken off machines. I visited him this evening and he is PERFECTLY LUCID. He is so interested in life and the goings-on around him.

I am not too well acquainted with death. I certainly haven't had candid conversations about death with people who did subsequently pass on. I have known one person, Elsie, who chose death over extreme intervention. It was a comfort to know that she chose. I don't think my Grampa Jack would have chosen to die when and how he did, but he did pass very peacefully, and in a rare moment of solitude. Ken is FAR, FAR more ill than either Grampa Jack or Elsie, and has been for years, even though Gramp Jack was 93, and Elsie had leukemia. I think he just isn't ready.

1 comment:

Angela said...

A studio sounds wonderful. How soon do you have to decide?

I'm sorry about Ken. I know he's fought back from the edge several times. I'll be thinking about you and your family, hoping that whatever happens, happens peacefully.