Friday, April 10, 2009

a little help

from my friend:
re the books we've read in book club, with my notes:
Liars Club (our first book)- I wasn't in the book club then.

Drowning Ruth-sounds like an Oprah Book Club book, which I have a policy of boycotting

Eva Moves the Furniture- yep

Running With Scissors yep

The Silent American

No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency yep

The God of Small things

Sheltering Sky

Wild Swans

A Room with a View yep

100 Years of Solitude yep

The Samurai’s Garden

Women of the Silk

Enchanted April yep

Vanity Fair yep


The Known World yep, and egads

You Shall Know our Velocity yep

Age of Innocence yep

Pride & Prejudice yep

Sense & Sensibility yep

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close yep

We may have read:

The Namesake

The Curious Incident of the dog in the Nighttime

The Tender Bar

Jo picked a classic – a women’s name I think – but I can’t remember

Sure we didn’t read:

Time Travelers Wife

The Poisonwood Bible (too long – I read it on my own – loved it) I know I read it, which amazes me. I can't imagine why I would have read it if the book club didn't.

My Sister’s Keeper – read the one with the little dress on the cover similar name. Ditto, but I know for sure I read it. No idea why or how I persevered.

Don’t think we read:

The Glass Castle (I know I read but don’t think we did for book club)

It’s fun to look back, what an amazing accomplishment!

I heard from a few people that they totally get the instinct to make this kind of list...


cb said...

I just reserved the book you recommended tonight-- I'm 9 of 9 holds so it may be a bit.

As for the other books on this list-- good for you.I don't know that I could even try many of them!

I had some of the jelly beans on the way home--mmmm.

Karen said...

I too am now obsessed with the list. I think we did read Poisonwood Bible, The Quiet American (not whatever I said), Like Water for Chocolate, Evelina (Jo's choice), The Thin Man, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Sparrow, Reading Lolita In Tehran, Rte Tautin (?? about cooking/France), The Memory Keepers Daughter.....I'll email you my list....enjoy.