Sunday, April 19, 2009

Blow by Blow

  • Massive and sloppy spring storm centered over Denver for about 48 hours.
  • Attended an 8-4 meeting at the FABULOUS National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder on Friday.
  • Nearly died trying to drive up there. Having made through an entire Denver winter without new tires, its seems that now that spring has arrived, I need to buy some.

  • Conducted a Family Art Night at my children's school.
  • Most of the vengeful motivation had receded.
  • However, incredibly, Ms. Harpy had scheduled an art event of her own to coincide with the PTSA Family Art Night.
  • I guess she at least NOTICED that I had thrown down a gauntlet.
  • AND Rose started art again this past week and DID NOT HAVE A PARA WITH HER.
  • You can imagine that I got that attended to post haste.
  • (If you throw down a gauntlet, do you pretty much have to keep up the feud?)
  • (Because I'm tired.)
  • (And frankly, I'd rather just go straight to the legal department next time.)
  • Attended a PTA meeting at the school where I work and...
  • attended a PTA meeting at the kids' school.
  • Because I just LOVE PTA meetings.
  • Speaking of legal department, I am TRYING to launch an ongoing fundraiser for the school's pre-college program (AVID), but no one will approve it until the district's legal department approves it, and..
  • ... no one will call the legal department.
  • I'm SURE it has nothing to do with their perceived competence.
  • Paid attention as my book club's founding members grappled with apparent adolescence.
  • Without going into a lot of detail, it seems that pretty much every book I have ever chosen has been counter to the group's initial guidelines.
  • I was, of course, blissfully unaware of any guidelines.
  • Sigh.
  • Fortunately, not the only guilty party.
  • I'm still not clear on the guidelines. Kinda scared to ask, though.
  • Well, we're reading Moloka'i, by Alan Somebody.
  • It took me the longest time to find a copy, because I thought the author's name was Somebody Allen.


Angela said...

Where to even begin with a comment...??? Your book club list is overwhelming. I'd be interested in the "guidelines." Ignorance really is bliss. I hope you're done with snow for the season!


cb said...

Love the pic of the snowy daffodil--did you take it? Can't wait to hear more about Rose not having a para-- you go, girl!

MoonNStarMommy said...

Hi I found you via the Dandy Walker interest, my 2 yr old son has it too, we're currently going through a lot of medical stuff with him, just wanted to drop by and say HI

Anonymous said...

From one of the original book club members.......... guidelines were: fiction (which includes memoirs--afterall our first book was a memoir), readily available for purchase in paperback (some of us don't like library books) and easily readable in a month (we talked about plus or minus 300 pages initially). That's it, pretty simple really. And, in case you are curious, we chose fiction because, well, everyone wanted to read fiction, not everyone wanted to read non-fiction.

If you are thinking about starting a book club there are tons of websites and books on the subject. Happy reading!