Wednesday, July 9, 2008


  • It is proving to be a very eventful summer.
  • Andy's return was sweet. He had chosen nice gifts for everyone.
  • I got a nice folding fan, which I am keeping in my purse. It has come in very handy, making me wonder why society gave up the things anyway.
  • I just wish they had been popular when I was actually dating, and I could use them for the language of love. Now I just use them for the hot flashes. Just kidding. It's hot here, though.
  • He got back last Thursday. On Friday, the 4th, he went out with buddies and rode skateboards all day, hurting his foot. He got to watch a nice fireworks display with a friend's family. All types of firecrackers are against the law in our city, so we never do anything here at home, and they terrify our dog, so we never leave to watch the large displays put on by cities. I'm glad he got to go!
  • He helped Peter paint some new awning panels-
  • did I mention that we took down the old, leaky, white fiberglass one FIVE YEARS AGO and have had a naked iron framework on the front porch ever since?-
  • and they were installed. It looks GREAT.
  • On Sunday night, I finally took him to get that foot checked- we were beginning to think he had a fracture.
  • Nope. A contusion. He was instructed to stay off of it for a week.
  • So he and Peter left for their trip to NYC and Yankee Stadium (Mecca). Apparently the stadium is shockingly small, compared to our own Coors Field. Maybe that's why it's being replaced.
  • Still, small or not, I'm sure Andy hasn't been sparing his foot.
  • So the boys went to the game last night, which, I'm happy to report, the Pinstripes won, 5-0.
  • Today, they're going to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. My husband has a fascination with bridges- he teaches physics, after all- and this one is another Mecca for him.
  • Andy wants to go to Ground Zero. Bless the boy. He really is a very sensitive child. When he went to Washington DC a year ago, he visited the Holocaust Museum and some war monuments. In Japan, the group brought 1,000 paper cranes to offer at Hiroshima. I hope that these experiences- he's awfully young, after all- will contribute to wisdom in his manhood, and not cynicism.
  • Anyway, they'll be back tomorrow night. It's hard for me to imagine going to NYC for a short trip, but maybe that's the way to do it. No point in longing for more time, just one more restaurant, taking in a Broadway show. They've chosen three or four of their most important sights, and dedicated their funds mainly to lodging and the Yankees.
  • I think it's not news that Peter is a die hard, ever-faithful Yankees fan of decades. Have I mentioned that he had a Yankees cap on when we got married?
  • Hosted a Spiderman birthday party for Einstein's Relative and some teammates from school. Details another time!


Einstein's Relative said...

The party was wonderful. You're awesome!


Angela said...

Your life has been FULL lately...then again, life is always full. Japan, NYC and Spiderman. Spiderman would be the most coveted in our house...well, by Hannah anyhow.

A Yankees cap? I'd like to see that picture!