Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blow by Blow

  • Thanks, to those of you who asked. Peter's father is still in the hospital, having postponed his release date by inhaling his glass of water. Peter thinks he may have seen his father for the last time.
  • On the other hand, there have been at least 3 times that I can remember that we thought he might not make it. The first one was 17 years ago.
  • Arfy has healed up fine.
  • I got a handy take-no-prisoners attitude in the basement and was able to send about 5 bags of crap off to the DAV, and unflinchingly part with two pieces of furniture (a toybox from MY childhood, and microwave cart from when I was single) that were serving only to store crap.
  • Andy is coming home tomorrow.
  • I've lost 25 pounds!!!

Just checking to see if you were listening. Can you spot the LIE?


Einstein's Relative said...

The lie?

You sent five bags to the DAV.


Angela said...

Um...Andy's return flight was postponed?

I'm back & catching up...more comments to come!