Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just a few updates

  • At the end of the big science conference last week, one of my teammates announced that since it was my birthday, he had made me a cake, and everyone was welcome to join us at his home for a party.
  • My teammate Kim met us there and decorated everything with Tinkerbell stuff.
  • We played Pixie Bingo.
  • Here's my principal, in a Tinkerbell crown.

  • I think you all know we've had our differences, but what you may not know is that in years past, I have truly been in principal hell. Like, legal teams arriving at the school to interview every staff member privately about the administrators.
  • I'm not saying I'm in principal heaven. But I know a good thing when I see it.
  • Plus, if it gets bad again, I do have a picture of him in a fairy crown.

  • When I arrived at home after the party, Peter had scouted out a new Greek restaurant, and he took me and Rose out.
  • He ordered us some kind of fabulous flaming cheese appetizer, and everyone shouted, "OPA!" when it arrived.
  • Then the server quenched the flames with half of a lemon.
  • It was so meltingly fabulous that Peter and I were both quietly cussing.
  • The fleecy, polyester-shirted, Prince Valiant haircutted owner was COMPLETELY BESOTTED with Rose.
  • He brought us complementary ouzo, and a Shirley Temple in a dainty sherry goblet for her majesty.
  • He brought her a cookie, and,
  • when she didn't care for it, replaced it with a chocolate sundae.
  • She hugged him on the way out.
  • And I hugged my husband.


cb said...

Wow-- what a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday. That Peter--he's a keeper.

Angela said...

What a wonderful birthday. OPA! Don't you love it when people realize, as you always have, how special your child is?

Einstein's Relative said...

I am sooooo bummed that I missed it!
Happy birthday!
