Saturday, June 28, 2008


Peter's father has double pneumonia and blood pressure so low that one of the numbers ( I can never figure out which one is which or what they mean) was 17.
So we've planned an emergency trip over the mountains, to the other side of our state. We arranged for Arfy to go to camp, I canceled my art club, did a bunch of laundry and etc., etc.
Then Arfy hurt his leg, and he's limping so badly! I will take him over to the animal hospital to see what's what. I canceled doggy camp. Peter and Rose will make the trip without me.
Packing, feeding them, remembering all the little things (camera charger! first aid kit! insurance card!) while Peter remembers all the big things (insulated coffee cup! rock hammer! sunscreen!).
I have ended up staying at home for a couple trips this past year, and I'm just BUSTED UP over it. Well, let me clarify. I would feel terrible if this trip turned out to NOT be a false alarm like the trips we've made so many times. I do like my father-in-law. But the family dynamics out there are pretty complicated, and I never know if I've stepped in sh*&^, or a hornets' nest, or what. It's a long, hot, discouraging drive.
Rose is SO EXCITED to see her Aunt Teenie, who has promised her a princess cake, and SO EXCITED to go fossil hunting. I think she anticipates hauling in the femur of a T-Rex or something. She won't be able to her grampa, as he is in ICU. But she really is doted upon by all of the cousins and aunts. I'm sorry Andy won't be able to make it, being in the Eastern Hemisphere and all.
Maybe I'll make it to art club after all.


Angela said...

I hope your father-in-law is well. I identify with good in-law dynamics that still leave a person uncertain. Once you make the big push, you'll have the house all to yourself!

We're leaving for in-law territory today. Hopefully all will be fun and I can remain invisible and return unscathed.

Enjoy the solitude, if you can, in spite of the circumstances

cb said...

My gosh-- I know how you love whilrwind activity. Hope all turns out well for the father-in-law and the doggy! If I can help, call me!

I'm around for coffee, scrapbooking, whatever, too.