Friday, June 20, 2008

Just checking in

I have been busy with work-related stuff. Not at school, of course, but taking classes and leading workshops. My job is 50% staff development, and I seem to have reached an new level of responsibility. In addition to the overall state of alertness (rising into anxiety regularly), it has really pushed me to become more circumspect and diplomatic. huh.

We've heard from Andy several times and it sounds like he's facing all the challenges well. His e-mails have been really sweet and affectionate. He told us to tell Rose that he loves her. (melt...!)

Rose is at a day camp through Denver Parks and Rec. It's fun for her, I guess. She gets to swim and go on field trips.

It's funny, just when I convince myself that she'll "blend" as she grows older, something glaring sets me back. I was watching her yesterday and saw that she had fallen behind the group and no one noticed but the counselors. When I went to pick her up yesterday, she was in tears because she was HOGGING a huge bucket of pattern blocks and about 6 boys were really mad at her. The counselor looked completely over his head. When I sat down and talked to her and the boys, they were spouting all kinds of stuff like, "Yea, she's seven and she's not even in preschool!!!"

Of course, I cleared things up around that, told them about her brain malformation, thanked them for helping us teach her how to play like other kids, and told them that this was really a chance for them to act like the kind of men that they wanted to grow up to be. By that time, with the spotlight off of her, she had come in off the ledge and was ready to give up her toys.

I'm still nursing a heartache, though. I guess it's going to be that way forever.


cb said...

So do people tell you, "yeah, but teachers get the whole summer off"? If they knew your schedule during your "summer vacation", I think they might think differently.

And Rose is so lucky to have you for a mom.

Angela said...

You handled Rose's predicament beautifully. How you managed to thank the boys is beyond me, but PERFECT. Rose isn't my daughter and I was ready to jump in my car, drive to camp and holler "Back-off, buster!" to all six boys. Maybe even intimidate them with my cane. She's so lucky to have you for Mom.