Monday, May 12, 2008


Ok, that seems to be working.
Just saying. The underlining thing.

  • Where've I been, you ask?
  • I have been supervising Youth In Action babysitting at-get this- a SHRINERS temple. And what a weird, weird place that turned out to be. Big. Old. Beautiful. Creepy. Be-fezzed.
  • Huge ballroom, ladies' restroom was a LOUNGE, with loveseats, carpets, mirrors, drapes... That's the one upstairs.
  • The one downstairs was so narrow you had to turn sideways. That's the one in the basement, next to the dedicated poker room, and the parade headquarters.
  • Upstairs, the grand poo-bah Ok, that seems to be working also- What I mean is, there is a conference room for the HIGH POTENTATES. Outside that room, there are two wall sconces shaped like human ARMS holding torches in their out-thrust hands.
  • Also, I have been running the rubber-chicken relay for the primary grades at our school's field day. Don't ask.
  • Also, I have been stirring up a staff PTO insurrection, because the current officers of our PTO have a motto that goes like this: I hate public schools.
  • No, I am not kidding. It has come out of their mouths.
  • Because the meetings are always in the evenings, staff members can rarely attend.
  • Since we can rarely attend, the PTO parents hate us.
  • Since they hate us, they don't want to change the meeting time.
  • Instead, they just want to complain that we don't come.
  • Furthermore, they are just on this side of racism.
  • Odd, since the two main officers are a mixed race couple.
  • Still, their big problem is "people who don't speak English."
  • I think you know what I mean.
  • So, the main population of our school feels unwelcome.
  • My plan is to round up enough people to attend just tomorrow's meeting so we can shove through a time change for the meetings.
  • I think that should be all that's necessary for now. Teachers will attend regularly if the meeting is right after school, and so will all those mamas that pick up their kids when the bell rings.
  • Rose's birthday is Wednesday. She will be seven, so Daddy has to get her, like 70 roses or something.
  • He has a formula.
  • Some of them are white, and some are red.
  • He has, to his credit, returned to buying ME flowers occasionally as well. I got beautiful sunflowers for Mothers' Day.
  • Which, by the way, was fabulous. Breakfast, jewelry, an art show (yes, I got one of my pieces selected again!), a bookstore and lunch.
  • We have something EVERY DAY after school this week. And some BEFORE school commitments as well.
How was YOUR weekend? Oh, and the whole past week?


cb said...

That stinks about your PTO. Ours is almost TOO helpful and supportive. I know that's a nice problem to have, but still, it's a problem sometimes.

This is such a crazy busy time of year at school. Hope you are taking time to relax a little here and there. Yeah. Like me.

Angela said...

This is an insane time of year. But I HAVE to ask: Rubber Chicken Relay???

In my whopping one year of experience with the public school system, I've wondered how the teachers do it all and maintain a sane, pleasant family life at home. Moms point out which teachers didn't go to the PTO meeting, to the fundraiser, to the fill-in-the-blank, as if they are required by contract to sell their souls to the schools. Maybe I'm exaggerating a tad...

Our last day is May 22 and I'm counting it down, ready for a change of pace.

Congratulations on the art show. Will you be posting pictures?

Happy Birthday, Rose! Happy belated Mother's Day Laurie!
