Sunday, March 23, 2008


Peter TRAINS Rose to do this.

At first, she is frankly disbelieving.

Naaa... Why would any self-respecting little girl get all coy like that?

Then she agrees to try it, but it IS a little tricky. First things first: how does the face go? Like this?


Next, hands. Very tricky.

How do the fingers go?

Geez, are we done yet?


Nell said...

Cute. Very cute.

And I like how you got all yer booze lined up back there.

cb said...

Look how adorable she looks all dressed up!

And yeah, the booze is a nice touch. Even though knowing you, it's probably sparkling water and fizzy fruit stuff.

Laurie said...

Yes, Biker Chick, the Librarian is correct. No booze. I saved room for it, though. When the guests arrive, they bring it.

Angela said...

Rose is BEAUTIFUL! Hannah is waiting not-so-patiently here at the library, so I don't have as much time as I had hoped to catch up on your posts. Can't wait to get back online!!!
