Saturday, January 19, 2008


Another round? I think so.
  • India or Switzerland? huh. India, I guess.
  • Switzerland or Australia? Australia.
  • Australia or Canada? Canada.
  • East Coast or West Coast? huh. That's a toughie. West, overall, although if you were giving me a tour, I'd do East.
  • Potatoes or pasta? pasta. Although I sure love both.
  • Chips or nuts? Nuts.
  • Nuts or cookies? Cookies WITH nuts, ideally. Or sugar-coated nuts.
  • Cake or ice cream? probably ice cream. With nuts.
This is stream of consciousness, of course.
  • Age 25 or age 15? 25.
  • Age 25 or your current age? Unless you ARE 25, you dog. Can I have the youth with the wisdom? Or can I have the age with the bod? and the energy? No? Wait, this is MY game... OK. I have to pick them pure. I pick current age. With serious reservations.
  • Fiction or nonfiction? Nonfiction.
  • Deciduous or evergreen? Evergreen.
Now that's just silly.

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