Sunday, November 25, 2007

A job well done

New backsplash!!! Truly, if we had achieved nothing else this five day weekend, this would have been one of the big accomplishments of the YEAR.

  • Two dozen gingerbread men
  • 3 dozen peanut butter blossoms
  • 2 dozen crystal ball cookies
  • 4 dozen iced rolled cookies

  • sewed patches onto boys' tae kwan do uniforms
  • did some research, wrote a long letter, purchased some supplements and mailed a package to my mom, recently diagnosed with breast cancer
  • hung out with my seester at all of our favorite stores
  • made homemade chicken soup
  • 6 giving tree tags for toys for little girls
  • no. school work. Makes for a rough morning.


cb said...

Wow-- you did a lot! I... watched movies, slept in, ate. Wash, rinse, repeat.

laura capello said...

omg, the back splash is awesome!

and cookies? already? geesh, you deserve a medal. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Laurie,

Sorry to hear about your Mom's breast cancer. I hope the treatment goes smoothly. A dear friend just underwent a lumpectomy on Monday. Results of nearby tissue biopsy are not available yet.

It has been so stressful that I vegetated those four days around Thanksgiving and watched the first season of Desperate Housewives (6 cds). Now I'm hooked and waiting for Season 3 to arrive at Smiley.

I went online and researched the syndrome after I received your email about Rose and then read your blog. She is so beautiful.

Gabi just turned 13 on Friday 12/1. I can't believe I now have two teenagers.

Blaine made it into the Varsity wrestling team at East where he's a freshman. I am so proud of him and relieved that his wild, thoughtless, middle school years seem to be behind him. He practices 3 hours every day after school and on Saturday and they have started the matches against other schools. It takes a lot of discipline. He is also getting good grades.

The wrestling team is selling cards (24 visits for $10, I think)for the fitness center so Blaine is also spending a lot of time at the Elitches 24-hr. center. There is no free time for trouble. I may actually start going with him. I need to exercise.

All our best to your family. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that good stuff!

Gregoria Frangas