Monday, November 12, 2007

Blind dates

The woman that introduced me to my husband had a big crush on him. She was married, though, so maybe she just wanted to keep him in her orbit somehow without being unfaithful. She had also introduced me to two other guys in her circle.

A blind date with one of them turned out to be: dinner at his house, just the THREE of us. Yes, that's right, she was there, too. Oh, and his black labs. Oh, and his paintings of black labs with dead birds in their mouths. Do I need to go on with this one? No?

The other one has gone down in family lore as "Short Doug," and he was famous for whining. And whining and whining. Finally, he whined that I was a rescuer, and in the next breath asked me to please drive him to the auto shop to pick up his car after repairs. I suggested that he find someone else to rescue him, and then drive straight to his therapist. Both of which he apparently did, because he called me the next week to let me know that his therapist agreed with ME.

I ran into him about a year ago. He had NO memory of me, and said something cheesy like, "Nice to see you." It just confirmed that he never paid attention to anyone but himself all along.

Anyway, third time's a charm, I guess. She hooked us up at a gig where some of our mutual friends were performing. He arrived- it was not secret that we were to meet- and politely hitched his chair right up next to mine. We hit it off right away, and talked pretty much exclusively to each other all night.

Then a month or so went by. Nothing. I did call him once, but had to leave a message. Then he came in to the restaurant where I worked, and I asked him out for a date. Bam! That was it. Three months later, we were married.

He doesn't care for hunting, so much. And he's not shorter than I am. And he's not a whiner.

1 comment:

laura capello said...

dude, seriously? short doug sounds all sorts of AWESOME.