Monday, October 29, 2007

Anyone know why...?

  • ...they postponed the fall clock adjustment? (Also, anyone know if this makes it Daylight Savings Time, or Standard Time?) Because I think it totally works for families with little kids who want to trick or treat! I realized that I was outside pushing Rose on the swing at almost 6:00! This is very promising for Halloween.
  • ... vacations make some people anxious? Like me, for example? I think it has to do with unrealistic expectations. Coupled with continuing to run everyone else's schedule, cram in doctor's appointments, dentists, etc.
  • ... Halloween is Martha's favorite holiday? I must admit, she ALWAYS does it right. This year, that DOUBLE MAGAZINE. Very clever.
  • ... so many of us are virtual crafters? You know, envision it, purchase the materials, and never start...? (AGAIN with the unrealistic expectations, perfectionism...?)
  • ...teenagers' brains disconnect massive amounts of real estate?
  • ... family reunions make everyone look like idiots? and ACT like idiots?
  • members ARE idiots?


cb said...

It's the end of daylight savings time, and this change was signed into law in 2005:
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 was passed by Congress and signed by President Bush two years ago, beginning daylight-saving time three weeks earlier and ending a week later than in the past. Daylight-saving time will not end this year until Nov. 4.

Asfar as all your other musings, who knows. m

cb said...

I don't know where that m came from.