Saturday, October 20, 2007

When you come to a fork in the road...

What if...?
  • I had accepted the teaching fellowship to California School of the Arts, instead of going to Japan for what was supposed to be a year and ended up being 4 hellish months?
  • I had accepted that job offer to work in a costume shop in New York City?
  • I had taken Dimitrius Drakos a little more seriously when he asked me to stay in Greece?
  • I had been more articulate and had more spine when Dr. Perry suggested that I "might be happier elsewhere"...?
  • I had tried a little harder to keep the college love-affair alive?
  • I had somehow failed to find the courage to call off that wedding?
  • I had chosen Tulane University instead of Pomona College?
  • My grandma had lived until the wedding date?
  • My parents hadn't insisted that I attend the high school they chose for me and my sisters?

1 comment:

cb said...

That "what-if" stuff can do weird things to your mind...