Saturday, August 4, 2007

Yea, but it's a DRY heat

No. Here in Colorado, you can usually give that line as a comeback to weather-related whining, (just one of the many reasons that we should all be grateful for the good fortune of living in this beautiful place) but the current humidity is 87%. That is freakish. Even Madame Librarian says so. Sticky. Hard to sleep.
Well, it's been a busy few days- started back to school, with meetings, trainings, planning, cleaning, and catching up on the news. It's a strange phenomenon, work friends. We know each other intimately. We spend a lot of time together, even, on some scary occasions, more time than we spend at home. Yet when summer comes, we are typically incommunicado. It's not because we don't care. It's not even that we have artificial relationships that develop only due to proximity. I have a lot in common with many of these people, and not just typical demographics like age, gender and race. My work friends share many less likely experiences, including adoption and developmental concerns with our children. I think maybe we don't stay in close touch because we just don't like the work mode activated during the summer.

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