Saturday, June 6, 2009

Mrs. Petty McSmall

A few years ago, I was outside in the early morning, and a little tiny dog was yapping and nosing around. I didn't know where it lived, but my neighbor heard the commotion and came out to tell me. I couldn't get close enough to the dog to pick it up, although it was certainly a portable size. So I tried what my sister had taught me: turn around, away from the dog. Look back and coax excitedly!

That worked long enough to get it JUST outside its own gate. So I stepped into the side yard and kept it up. The women who live there naturally opened their kitchen door and asked with some heat what was going on.

It's early morning. There's an unknown woman in your side yard making strangely excited baby noises, and your own little dog is going bonkers OUTSIDE your fence.

I explained to them that I was trying to return their dog to them and walked off, stiffly.

I was offended: they were ungrateful!

Obviously, I understand their reaction NOW. But I still avoid them, refuse to look at them, and resent them.

So small.

1 comment:

Angela said...

How DARE they! I would be equally small.
