Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And then there's this...

Wonder WHY Rose is drawn irresistibly towards weather?

Oy. Don't do this at home. Or, don't do this NOT at home?

And don't, if you live in tornado alley, go getting all stuck up about the quality of YOUR twisters. This is our own little homegrown funnel cloud, and it's only a baby. It's doing the best it can.

Besides, check this out, only a little bit east of here. So there.

P.S. And don't we appreciate the commentary? Rose says it's her FRIEND tornado. Peter hauls out that old chestnut, "Because I'm telling you to."


Angela said...

I live in tornado alley, yet YOU have seen more live tornado(es) than I have. I have yet to see an actual funnel firsthand. I've seen LOTS of aftermath and heard my share of sirens, but no funnel. Would you believe I'm envious?!


Angela said...

I meant "tornado(es)". Gah.

Anonymous said...

I love Peter's voice at the end..."Well, I guess I'd better get in the house". Ya think????

Anonymous said...

Hey Laurie,
I was downtown Denver when they had several sitings. All the people in the street just stood there looking up at the sky.
Miss you see you the 27th.

Cyndi P said...

Happy Birthday to You! Hope that you had a fun day.