Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just Say No

You'll be happy to hear that when the bookclub got around to making December plans, I did not insist on hosting. I love to host that one; I organize a toy drive and we all wrap our donations. However, in an effort to simplify, when my friend Mo put forth intentions for next month, I kept quiet. This was a triumph.

I started going to a Jazzercise class that was working out really well. I've had a particularly heavy after-work schedule lately, but I am looking forward to making exercise a priority again.

P celebrated his 49th birthday on Friday. This is strange, as I am obviously much too young to be married to someone that old. Come to think of it, I'm also much too young to be feeling so stiff in the morning. Must be the weather.


Anonymous said...

Did you have to tape your mouth shut?

Cathy said...

Getting exercise in is so hard--I've been trying to get up in the morning before my kids do get some in.

Angela said...

Good for you--both about the nonhosting and the exercise.

I've recently joined the Y myself--I am by far the youngest in my arthritis aquacize class. Having the same thoughts about my older husband--you'd think I would feel like a youngster while surrounded by all these elders. Alas...

Mr. Pete said...

Lady, who are you callin' old?