Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Policy

  • When do you put up a tree? (usually no sooner than the 2nd week of December. No policy.)
  • Real, or artificial? (real, because of the smell. But no snobbery.)
  • Colored lights, or white? (white. But I do love those fat old-fashioned colored ones.)
  • Themed ornaments, or a mix of sentimental favorites? (themed, but a sentimental theme)
  • Ratio of wrapped and taped presents to gift-bagged presents? (about 1:10)
  • When do you start listening to Christmas music? (as soon as P will tolerate it, after Nov.)
  • Do you hang outdoor lights? (I don't, but we drive around and visit neighborhoods)
  • Gifts in the morning, or gifts on the eve? (strictly morning, people)
  • Do you have a Christmas meal to rival Thanksgiving? (No. Brunchy noshing all day)
  • How do you celebrate New Year's Eve? (2:00 restaurant meal with husband, journal and reflections of the past year)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I love the real trees, but we got an artificial one--it's just easier.