Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Shoes

I know how privileged we are to be able to get new shoes for our children just because they are starting a new school year. Rose's old shoes still fit her, although the heels slip and they are ratty as heck. Anyway, down to the "real shoe store" we went- this place is the real deal. The owner and his staff dress nicely, keep records on every customer, measure both feet carefully every time, and insist on a senior employee checking every fit.

You get what you pay for. These are real shoes. My philosophy has been that I buy the best children's shoes I can afford- their feet change rapidly, and take tremendous beatings. Andy has very high arches; Rose has a crossed toe. I want somebody who knows what they're doing.

A year or so ago, Rose tried on a pair of red patent leather Mary Jane shoes. When she returned to the chair, the well-seasoned shoe lady on her little stool asked, "How do they feel?" And Rose said, "Beautiful."

So, I wasn't sure that could be topped. But this last weekend, I took her down so that we could join the families of every other child in Denver Public Schools who waited until two days before school started to get this task accomplished (my point? mob scene in the store) and we were served IMMEDIATELY (wow!) and when she was asked to walk around in the purple shoes she tried on, she went STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! in a circle around the guy, and when he asked her how they were, she said, "Noisy." So then the well-seasoned shoe guy WITHOUT EVEN CRACKING A SMILE suggested that she tip-toe, which she did, and she was able to report that they fit fine.

And while I was there, I got myself two new pairs of Weejuns. One in black and one in cordovan. Yea, my feet are small enough that they can fit me into children's size 5 1/2.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I love Rose's replies!

And there's nothing like a good "real" pair of shoes.

Are you keeping your head above water?
