Saturday, May 17, 2008


You were warned that this time of year is insanely busy. Every night this week, I have had a firm commitment. My husband has had corresponding commitments- retirement parties, awards ceremonies, meetings...
Here is the condensed version:
  • Yes, that PTA meeting was vitriolic.
  • Ultimately, I walked out.
  • I'll say no more- life is too short to dwell on it 4 days later.
  • Rose's birthday night involved lots of new books, eating her favorite yellow meal (macaroni and cheese, corn, and cornbread, with lemonade to drink) at her favorite casual restaurant, and a beautiful pink cake, with slices offered and delivered to the other bystanding diners. It was completely charming.
  • She has a new pet, also.
  • She and Daddy had to go out one evening and collect him, though, because the one that she brought home from school was, well, deceased.
  • That's right, folks. It's an earthworm.
  • Her principal noticed that she was SOAKING WET on the very rainy Tuesday morning, and she was walked to the office, relieved of her coat and shoes which were put in the nurse's dryer, and given a change of clothes.
  • Rose did TELL the principal that she had gone back outside after breakfast because she wanted a worm, and the principal did underSTAND what she said (not a given) but apparently in the morning chaos, Ms. A chatted with R in her you're-so-entertaining sing-songy voice and dismissed the issue.
  • Later, when Daddy came to pick her up, Rose asked him plaintively, "Where IS it my worm? I tan't find him."
  • I think you know where we're going with this, don't you?
  • Coat pocket, dryer, crunchy.
  • So now she has a new one, in a box of moist dirt, in her closet.
  • We're having a party for her tomorrow. Out of 28 invitations, we have heard from three families. I hope this will teach me to RSVP more respectfully in the future.
  • Went to Madame Librarian's retirement party on Thursday and WOW. What a crowd!
  • It made me very happy, CB, to see so many people coming to celebrate your meaningful career and well-deserved retirement.
  • I don't really know what this bodes for your funeral.
  • Then last night I went to a graduation party for the daughter of my teammate at school. I didn't know very many people there, but boy! Bob makes friends very easily, and he attracts people who are very social by nature. Everyone made me feel like an old friend.
  • This past week has involved sleet, snow, rain and sun. Often on the same day. I was happy that the parties for my two dear friends ended up having clear weather and mild temperatures.
  • Today promises to be glorious. I have enjoyed an hour of solitude while the rest of the family sleeps. I hope you have a wonderful day!


Nell said...

I was looking for you at Cindi's party! I was totally looking forward to having a few laughs.

Angela said...

What a WEEK! Rose's party sounds wonderful; I love how you described the colors. The earth worm made me laugh out loud & hope you don't continue finding parts in your lint filter. I have to admit needing to look up "vitriolic," but it was worth it: I'll be adding that word to my vocabulary. I feel like I need bullets in my comment box to delineate my replies--this all sounds choppy choppy choppy. Finally: A quiet HOUR alone and writing? The BEST.

Einstein's Relative said...

Vitriolic does describe the meeting. It was difficult to address any issue when the parents in charge (and the Greek chorus in the back) argued with everything that was said. I mean seriously! When one parent argued that they have tried to get more parents to attend without success, Laurie offered some alternative suggestions. And a parent actually argued that they didn't want more parents because then they'd have to hire an extra person to watch the children. And when Laurie offered a solution for that, they brought up another argument. Get the idea? I sat there like a lump trying to process what I was hearing. I thought my processors were off kilter until I realized my brain was trying to take in diametrically opposed information. I had a far easier (and more pleasant) time following the logical sequence of how old worm wound up extra crispy and new worm is now comfortably ensconsed in a dark closet.
