Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mind the Gap

Our Dandy girl made reading progress in first grade. It's just that the progress she made didn't get her to grade level. The reading progress that she made in kdg didn't get her to THAT grade level, either. I have fretted because the gap has grown bigger.

Then someone reminded me that at least she is making progress- very true. I do not wish to sound ungrateful. We have her enrolled in a summer reading program, which doesn't sound like it would hold much promise, but I must tell you that when I called to register, it took 20 minutes. Why? Because they interviewed me at length about all of her reading and learning behaviors. So a part of me is unrealistically hoping this will close the gap.

She has a good working vocabulary. She has always had a fabulous, clever and infectious sense of humor. She has a good memory. I am frustrated FOR her, as I try to imagine a career in which her mind isn't wasted because of her speaking and motor problems. She has so much to SAY, and some limitations on the ability to say it.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I know exactly what you mean when you say, "She has so much to SAY, and some limitations on the ability to say it." Hannah's mind clearly (to me) moves at the rate of a typical 5-year-old, but her mouth simply cannot express it quickly enough. She seems to be improving quickly as summer progresses, but we'll keep her in preschool one more year.

I hope the reading program helps Rose...though you have to actually attend. (heh heh, I read ahead). Believe me--you are not the only one!

Now to re-read & comment on the next two posts.

xxoo from Kansas!