Sunday, April 27, 2008

Back At You

What I was doing 10 years ago:
I had only had my son Andy for about 5 months, and only lived in this house for the same. I had been married for almost 10 years. I worked in a different school. I played roller-hockey every Friday. I did not have my book club or my art club. I hadn't started my masters program.

Five Snacks I enjoy:
crusty, yeasty bread with unsalted butter
chocolate with almonds
frosted mini-wheats
fresh, crunchy vegetables that I did not have to prep

Things I Would Do if I Were a Billionaire:
hire a personal trainer
increase the number of visits by the cleaning lady
hire a professional organizer

Five Jobs That I Have Had:
sales girl at a European import shop
costume shop manager
every job in the restaurant industry
feeble sign-language interpreter
elementary school teacher

Three of My Habits:

Five Places I Have Lived:
Cascade, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Claremont, CA
Denver, CO

What Do I Want Others to Get From My Blog:
fascination with me and my wit
good ideas


Nell said...

I for one am fascinated with your wit.

Laurie said...

Well, I'm glad SOMEone is. Besides me, I mean.

Angela said...

Hey--Nell took my line! Masters program, book club, art club, roller-hockey: (hear music: three of these things belong together, three of these things are kinda the you remember that from Sesame Street?) I'm officially impressed with the roller-hockey. I want to say more, but I think I've maxed out on my comment length...

...except for one very important thing. Ditto to "chocolate with almonds."

And I very much enjoy the repartee.