Sunday, January 27, 2008

All Calm

Well, relatively speaking, it's been a quiet week. Last week was INSANELY BUSY, leading, I think, to my finally opening the door to the cold that had been knocking on my throat. I'm not sure where I stand now. Sinus troubles? Maybe.
Yesterday was my art club, and I "finished" a project! I am not happy with the final results, and will be cannibalizing it today, but the goal was to finish, and I did. It was a huge project, so I went to the session with the mindset that I could not afford to sweat the small stuff.
Last month, when my son went to visit with his brothers (bio brothers- they live with a different adoptive family) and I insisted he take a camera. He lost the camera. I know he feels bad about it, although he did not initially demonstrate any remorse or responsibility, he has now offered to replace it ($350.00). I was the one who insisted he take it- he was never emotionally invested in getting the pics to begin with, which I'm sure contributed to the mindless moment in which he set it down.
Anyway, my point here is that I have no pictures of the "draft" from art club- maybe I'll have a camera in time for posting the final project.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Hi Laurie-
I've lurked around your blog several times after googling Dandy Walker...then several times more after your blog was listed on the Dandy Walker Alliance website. It sounds like your daughter and my daughter have similar Dandy-Walker issues: no shunt, but some developomental problems. Right?

As an aside: Peace Like a River is one of my all-time favorite books, too.

You have a beautiful family!

Just saying hello,