Sunday, December 23, 2007

Not Going Postal

I don't know why, but my whole life I've been postally challenged. It's the detail stuff- YOUR address, MY address, stamps that aren't left over from the Clinton administration and therefore about 1.50 short. Oh, and finding an envelope. Oh, and the philosophical debate- is it OK to TYPE my thank you notes? Because that's so much faster and easier. I can't decide. I guess I JUST WON'T WRITE THANK YOU NOTES AT ALL.

I'm trying to improve. Really I am.


cb said...

MY address: keep an updated address book--better yet, keep them in a database to just print labels

YOUR address: create your own mailing labels

STAMPS: buy them at Walgreens--very convenient

OLD STAMPS: just use two, and you'll be good (that's what I do!)

TYPED thank-you notes: okay, but only if you write a short little closing and actually sign your own name.

This comment brought to you by Miss Manners.

cb said...

And by the way, I just mailed my cards and photos Sunday. I figure then they won't get lost among all the other Christmas cards people get. Keep telling yourself that and you might believe it.