Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Taking Flight

8 pairs of fairy wings. Yes. I purchased 6 pairs and just embellished, but I made Oberon and Tatiana's from coat hangers and queen size panty hose. And duct tape. And hot glue. Plenty of hand sewing involved and LOTS of leaves, bridal-aisle rose petals, vines, ribbons and posies. The hand-made ones look tons better than the little ones. I'll try to take pictures of them!

Andy's team won again last night, meaning that going deep into the playoffs is more and more likely. Congratulations to them and all, but really, the lack of certainty that surrounds these finals is so unnerving. (Needless to say, sports competitions did not feature in my own growing-up.)

Rose is having some stand-off moments, which undo me. But when I really think about it, I know that a year ago we would have had to resort to nonviolent crisis intervention for 45 minutes. Who has changed? Both of us, I think. She can cool herself down and apologize very nicely, but she still can't (and really, how many 6 year olds CAN..?) delay gratification, or deal with authority.

School must be coming: I had a dream last night that during some kind of staff training, we had to go to a MUSEUM all about math work by students. Kinda makes me shudder.

1 comment:

cb said...

Thanks for the invite to the program--I wish I could go. I'm at the ACenter Thurs, Fri and Sun. Otherwise, I'd be there!