Monday, July 30, 2007

Let's Do the Twist

A Midsummer Night's Dream, brought to you by Marcie and Jill:

Duke, duke, duke, duke of earl.... (upon introduction of the duke)
You don't own me.... (sings Hermia to her father and the duke)
It's been a hard day's night ...(as the four lovers collapse on the forest floor)
Going out of my head over you... (Lysander to Helena)
o-o-oh yes, I'm the great pretender... (sings Bottom upon receiving his script)
They call me the wanderer, yea the wanderer... (as Puck flies around the world)

It went on and on folks. I laughed until I cried. The dynamic duo (Marcie and Jill) have been writing and adapting scripts together for...? 10 years? and they work some kind of magic with their youthful actors. There is not one kid on their stage who isn't acting his/her heart out, all the time. Even if they don't have a great singing voice, they are belting it out so the audience can see their tonsils. And dance? Yea. The twist.

Lest you think that I only adored this show because my son was involved, let me assure you:
1. He was a techie, and I could only clap for him at the end.
2. My friends, who know NOT A SOUL, laughed as hard as I did, and yapped about it all the way home. So there.

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