Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ups and Downs

Yesterday was the first time we left Rose alone with her brother. We went out to dinner and to a show. ("Best Little Whorehouse"- very well produced, I thought. Choreography was bold and tight, stage design extremely authentic, a couple of really good performances. How fun!) It went very well. He was so responsible and responsive. He was really proud of himself, and we were so proud of him. He is turning into such an enjoyable, entertaining person.

Today, he and I worked a festival for Youth In Action hours, and he was an insufferable ass. Yes, same kid. I think a lot of it has to do with being in front of his friends. He thinks that dissing me in front of them makes him cool. He really got mad at me because I reprimanded him in front of them- but I pointed out that if he's going to do it to me in front of them, he can expect me to get public back.

Wild ride, this adolescence. And he's only 12.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Your son is be the young man that you wanted and I hope that as time goes by you will see that he will grow up when the clod north winds blow by he has a family that can keep him warm and not knock him to the streets like some do keep up the faith young man.......
And God will bless you with your own happy family some day>..... thanks....